Yardi Solutions & Support

Nims & Associates provides Yardi consulting, support, training, project management, custom report writing, and implementation services for Yardi Voyager and Yardi Breeze.

Our History

We've been supporting users of Yardi Property Managment software for over 25 years, making Nims & Associates one of the longest standing members in Yardi Systems' independent network of consultants.

Office, Industrial, Retail

We can show you how to manage leases, recover expenses, maximize revenue, improve insight, and enhance customer service.

Residential & Multifamily

Get the efficiency, security, and tenant management rewards from Yardi multifamily that you need to be competitive.

Affordable & PHA

Improve operations, screening, compliance, and more with consultation and training that maximizes staff performance.

Custom Reports

Save your staff hundreds of hours a year and get the information you need, the way you and your investors need to see it, with custom reports.

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We'd love to hear from you.

Are you getting all that you can from your Yardi system? We should talk.

Our Services

All of our services can be provided in tandem with whatever support you may already be receiving from Yardi.

Project Management & Implementation

We provide the experience you need to coordinate between your staff and Yardi support and implemention services.

Maintenance & Support

Database reviews, security audits, compliance testing, and help desk support are just a few of the tools we use to keep your system in top condition.

Yardi Custom Reports & Interfaces

We write custom reports, data integrations, and application interfaces to accomplish what Yardi cannot out of the box.

On-going Support

Our clients call Yardi when their question begins with "how do I . . . ?" They call Nims when their question begins with "what's the best way. . . ?"

Yardi custom reports and interfaces are just two of our specialties.

YSR, SQL Scripting, SSRS, Crystal conversions—we do it all.

Our Experience

Whether you've been on Voyager for ten weeks or ten years, we can help you get more value out of your Yardi investment.

We work to understand your needs andthenrecommend which Yardi modules you should use.  We configure Voyager so it works for you; not the other way around.

We can train your trainers or train your users. Either way, we'll make sure your staff takes ownership and gets the most from your system.

We maintain long-term relationships so that when your needs change we can help you adapt and grow.

Get in touch.

We’d love to hear from you. Let us know how we can help.

Yardi Voyager is a complex system with so many options and modules it can be overwhelming. We understand. Let's talk.

Yardi ™, Yardi Voyager™, and Yardi Breeze™ are  registered trademarks of Yardi Systems Inc.

We've helped 1000s of businesses with their IT & ERP.
Let us help you!

877-454-3200 | 707-781-6300